
《Read and Write Sight Word Set 1 and 2》阅读及书写英文练习册PDF 百度云网盘下载

《Read and Write Sight Word Set 1 and 2》阅读及书写英文练习册PDF 百度云网盘下载

《Read and Write Sight Word Set 1 and 2》常见词、高频词阅读及书写练习册,共两册,约200页,每张图片上都有线稿图片,可以用来涂色,增加孩子的学习兴趣,有效提高英文阅读书写能力~~

《Read and Write Sight Word Set 1 and 2》阅读及书写英文练习册PDF 百度云网盘下载

Read and Write Sight Word Sentences Set 1

《Read and Write Sight Word Set 1 and 2》阅读及书写英文练习册PDF 百度云网盘下载

Read and Write Sight Word Sentences Set 1 Includes:

My Dog (look, at, my, cat, is)

My Cat (this, is, my)

Dan’s Van (this, is, he, has, a)

The Sun (I, can, see, the, big, and, yellow)

The Bat (I, see, the, is)

The Bug (here, is, the, red, and)

The Apple (this, is, an, the, red)

My Pet (this, is, my, went, to, the)

The Pen (I, see, the, a, the, is, blue)

The Wet Dog (look, at, that, is)

The White Web (the, is, it, under, there)

Make the Bed (I, must, make, my, will, the, now)

The Fox (look, there, is, a, the, in)

The Net (she, had, a, the, was, new)

The Cab (he, had, a, the, was)

Two Men (there, was, two, they, went, on, a

My Dad (she, has, a, like, her)

Yellow to Read (it, was, yellow, now, it, is, red)

The Jet (she, saw, a, will, ride, in, the)

The Bib (he, ate, with, a, the, white, is, now)

Mad (she, was, now, is)

The Hen (the, hen, is, it, a, big)

The Lab (there, is, a, what, was, in, the)

My Cat (I, have, a, my, went, to, the)

The Boy (where, is, the, help, me, find, him)

The Pig (the, is, there, did, you, see)

The Pit (the is, do, not, eat, the)

The Cob (he, ate, the, was, big

A Wig (she, had, a, the, was)

The Job (she, was, a, new, will, like the)

A Hot Pot (the, was, it, a)

The Box (there, is, a, what, in, the)

The Sub (he, made, a, ate, the)

A Bug (I, see, a, the, is)

New Tub (they, got, a, the, is, white

The Mug (where, is, the, I, want, the, red

A Bun (he, made, a, will, eat, the)

The Orange Pup (we, want, a, the, is)

The Bus (did, you, see, the, it, was, a, yellow)

The Hut (we, saw, a, it, was)

A Tux (he, saw, at, it, was, a)

We Dug (the, I, will, help, him)

A Rug (he, has, a, the, is)

Sam’s Cat (has, a, I, like, his)

The Can (I, see, the, can, the, is)

Pam’s Dog (has, a new, her, is, big)

The Lad (we, saw, a, the, is, here)

Red Lip (look, at, the, is, red)

Help Zip (it, will, not, can, you, help, me)

The Fan (we, need, a, it, is, in, here)

The Jam (I, ate, the, want, all)

Our Car (we, have, a ride, in, the)

The Maps (he, has, a, she, too)

Orange Fox (the, can, it, is, an)

Big Hat (the, was, big, did, not)

Rat Rat (I, see, a, the, was)

Cat Nap (the, can, will, soon)

Little Cub (I, see, a, the, little, is)

The Big Van (the, is, big, we, all, in, the)

My Mat (this, is, my, I, like, yellow)

Tim’s Key (has, a he, will, look, for, his)

The Lid (there, is, a where, the)

A Cow (I, see, a, it, is, white)

The Fad (there, is, a, I, went, with, a)

The Run (the, can, he, ran, all, the, way, there)

The Cat Ate (the, ate, it, all)

The Dog (the, will, can, I, play, with)

Black Hat (he, has, a, the, is)

The Blue Car (did, you, see, the, I, was)

His Lab (he, has, a, went, to, his)

The Map ( I, need, a, can, you, find, the)

The New Bat (he, has, a, new, will, play, with, the)

The Dip (there, was, to, eat, the, good)

Sap (the, is, can, you, see)

The Kit (I, saw, the, what, is, in, that)

We Sit (he, will, I, with, him)

A Cop (he, is, a, good, has, a)

A Hot Day (it, is, a, hot, too, out)

The Box (she, has, a, what, is, in, the)

We Mop (my, has, to, I, will, help, my)

Sam’s Hop (we, she, and, jump)

His Web (he, is, in, his, went, under, the)

We Hem (my, can, I, will, help)

A Sub (I, want, a, can, you, get)

Kim Ran (we, went, on, a, where, will, she, to)

Tim’s Bus (has, a, his, is)

My Mom (have, you, my, you, will, like)

New Bed (I, got, a, new, it, is, pretty)

A Jet (I, saw, a, the, was, white)

The Big Top (her, is, too, big, will, not)

A Fig (she, will, find, a, do, you, have)

The Log (she, saw, a, will, jump, on)

The New Dog (I, got, a new, he, is, big, and, funny)

The Hog (the, likes, he, will, not, get, out)

They Wed (it, is, a, big, she, was, to, him)

The Cat Ate (she, ate, with, a, what, is, on, the)

The Mix (has, to, will, help)

The Dot (the, has, a can, you, see)

Liz Ate (will, eat, now, what, will, she)

Read and Write Sight Word Sentences Set 2

《Read and Write Sight Word Set 1 and 2》阅读及书写英文练习册PDF 百度云网盘下载

Read and Write Sight Word Sentences 2 Includes:

His Cape (he, an, old, did, you, see, his)

Her Bike (she, her, will, it, again)

Going for a Walk (may, I, a, walk, you, after, we, eat)

Fly Bug! (the, could, fly, he, so, far)

Our Home (did, he, live, by, our, not, us)

My Mom (I, will, thank, her, again)

The Lake (where, are, we, going, to, the)

The Case (put, down, the, do, not, open)

My Vine (the, will, live, give, a)

My Rose (you, may, take, a, put, it, in, round)

The Log (she, has, an old, will, fly, over, it)

Ask Mom (she, will, ask, her, could, you, your)

The Cave we, live, over, by, a, it, has, an, open)

The Pig (I, saw, a, once, the, had, big)

We Walk (they, will, walk, there, may, I, too)

Rake (he, has, his, can, some, of, them)

They Met (do, you, know, him, I, have)

Her Dogs (she, has, give, I, saw, all, of, her)

I See (could, you, see, her, I, saw, going, over, there)

The Hive were, is, the, over, us)

The Dive (may, I, over, you, not, me)

The Rice (did, she, eat, any, of, her, ate, ever, of, it

The Kite (his, will, fly, by, them, where, did, it, from)

The Bite (he, will, take, a may, again)

The Pig Pen (take, every from, the, do, not, have, any, it)

His Home (we, are, going, to, his, had, a, red)

Her Day (how, was, her, good)

The Mule (he, has, an old, his, is, round)

Our Pets (may, we, have, any, every, could, live, with, us)

The Gift (he, will, give, her, a she, will thank, him, for, it)

The Lid (how did, you, open, the, it, just, came, off, of)

The Wave (a came, over, him, again, when, will, it, stop)

Round Cake (give, him, a, round, take, the, to, him)

A Pretty Gift (that, pretty, is, from, her, thank, once, you, open, it)

Where I Live (where, do, you, live, I, by, the, round)

Just Once may, we, take, some, please, you, just, once)

The Trip (you, are, going, on, a, stop, to, take, some)

He Hid (he, from, them, do, you, know, where)

The Van (the, will, stop, did, it, by, them)

By the Desk (where, could, I, put, them, over, by, the)

The Round Vase (how, did, the, look, had, a, round)

Late (I, may, be, need, to, run, not, walk

Bath Time (I, will, give, him, a, he, could, take)

Jump (just, jump, up, and, down, do, you, know, how, to)

His Cat (he, has, an, his, is, in, the)

The Hole (there, is, an, open, do, not, walk, over, the)

His Snack (did, he, eat, any, of, his, yes, had, after)

The Ant (an, had, some, old, he, could, take, his, down)

Fly the Kites (we, could, fly, them, over, here, by, us)

Hike (he, went, on, a, his, will, take)

Big Jake (do, you, know, of, he, is, as, big, his)

Pick Up (could, I, play, with, him you, may, after, you, pick, up)

The Bike (I, had, an, old, could, you)

The Dog Waved (were, there, any, there, six, new)

Eat and Play (we, are, going, to eat, then, ate, will, play)

Going Fast (I, am, going, fast, let, me, know, when, to, stop)

The Old Gate (go, down, the, them stop, by, the, old)

Tape (do, you, have, any, may, I, take, some, please)

Mom’s Dice (her, had, some, I, will, ask, her, for, some)

Put Them Away (how, do, I, put, them, away, just, give, them, to)

Open It: (open, it, once, you, find, it, then, thank, him, for, the)

The Old Rake (were, we, going, to, yes, but, our, is, too, old)

The Dune (I, went, over, the, let, me, go, over, it, again)

The Pen (I, do, not, have, a, did, you, ask, every)

Ask Her (when, can, I, ask, her, for, some, after)

The Walk (she, wants, to, walk, where, will, from)

Cute Wife (once, a, had, she, was, as, a)

His Name (he, has, a, how, do, you, his)

The Tide (the, is, here, will, the, stop, soon)

The Pipe (the, is, open, when, will, he)

The Fire (when can, we, make, after, our, walk)

Her Robe (she, has, a, blue, could, but, it, on, now)

The Wires (were, there, two, it, has, a red, and, white)

The Sale (where, were, they, from, came, the)

The Mop (I, will, put, the, away, then, let, them, in)

Open the Gate (did, the, open, I, can, not, it)

Every Tale (every, has, a, good, did, you, know, that)

The Cone (I, had, that, big, the, was, so, good)

Our Home (we, live, in, our, new, it, is, by, that)

The Fume (there, was, a, it, came, from, the)

The Cage (who, let, the, out it, got, of, the)

When? (when, did, you, get, here, we, were, after, you)

Her Tale (you, can, ask, to, read, a, then, may, a)

The Date (what, is, the, let, us, know, when)

In Line (we, were, after, them, in, then, they, let, us, by)

The Mice (I, saw, there, were, there, any)

The Balls (the, were, all, they, round, on, every)

Her Dime (she, had, her, how, could, she, use, it)

The Code (I, have, the, can, open)

Want to Fly? (I, can, help, you, fly, just, let, me, know)

Her Tote (she, has, an, old, her, is, yellow)

The Cube (help, pick, up, the, I, had, to, put, it, over, there)

She Will Bake she, will, now, then, an, stop, to, eat, it)

Big Lake (we, are, going, to, the, then, will, walk, by, it)

He Dug (he, an, open, how, big, was, the)

The Note (I, had, a, from, her, it, said, thank, you)

Old Wig (she, had, a her, was, old)

Walk (when, will, we, take, a, walk, once, he, is, here)

To Win (I, just, want, to, could, we, play, again)

The Pose (let, her, how, she, want, will, give, a, good)


Read and Write Sight Word Sentences Set1.pdf(111页)

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