
《Alphabet Games Find the Letter字母游戏》英文版全26集 百度云网盘下载

《Alphabet Games Find the Letter字母游戏》英文版全26集 百度云网盘下载

《The Singing Walrus》是一对加拿大从事英语教学的夫妇与2011年创办的,迄今为止已经制作了100多个视频,超过3.5亿人次观看。希望通过歌曲培养孩子们不可思议的创造力和想象力~~

会唱歌的海象 The Singing Walrus《Alphabet Games Find the Letter字母游戏》通过查找游戏来认知英文字母,共26集,资源总大小230M,mp4高清720p分辨率,英语发音、英文字幕,适合3-6岁的低幼儿童观看。


名称:Alphabet Games Find the Letter 字母游戏

语言:英语发音 英文字幕






《Alphabet Games Find the Letter字母游戏》英文版全26集 百度云网盘下载


01.Alphabet Games _ Find the Letter A

02.Alphabet Games _ Find the Letter B

03.Alphabet Games _ Find the Letter C

04.Alphabet Games _ Find the Letter D

05.Alphabet Games _ Find the Letter E

06.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter F

07.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter G

08.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter H

09.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter I

10.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter J

11.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter K

12.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter L

13.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter M

14.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter N

15.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter O

16.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter P

17.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter Q

18.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter R

19.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter S

20.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter T

21.Alphabet Games _ Find the Letter U

22.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter V

23.Alphabet Games _ Find the Letter W

24.Alphabet Games – Find the Letter X

25.Alphabet Games _ Find the Letter Y

26.Alphabet Games _ Find the Letter Z

26集 / MP4视频格式 / 英语发音 英文字幕 / 1280×720 / 共230M

试看(百度网盘):https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qjCVSDC3oXMw1057zlZ7HA 提取码:tm3s

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